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Re: memory management of all_visible_functions return

From: Robert E. Griffith
Subject: Re: memory management of all_visible_functions return
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:43:00 -0400
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Thanks for the explanation. Is this seen as a feature of bash or is it a necessity of implementation?


On 4/21/22 10:06, Chet Ramey wrote:
On 4/20/22 3:52 PM, Robert E. Griffith wrote:

`Invisible' variables are variables that have been assigned attributes but
not values, so they are technically unset.

So what is the practical consequence of them not being visible?

The variable shows as unset when referenced.

Local variables have their own scoping issues that complicate things on
occasion, but it's easy to see with something like this:

   local myvar
   local b=isset

   echo "${myvar-unset}"
   echo "${b-unset}"

You'll get


as output because `myvar' is unset.

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