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Re: pure bison yyerror()

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: pure bison yyerror()
Date: 14 Nov 2000 18:11:46 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) XEmacs/21.1 (Channel Islands)

>>>>> "mike" == mike burrell <address@hidden> writes:

mike> so i'm wondering whether this (YYERROR_PARAM) would be of
mike> interest.  i.e. if i finish the changes and update the
mike> documentation, etc. and send someone a patch, will this get
mike> folded in to the next release?

I'm facing another aspect of the same problem: pure parsers don't pass
the locations to yyerror, which is damn painful.

But I'm not fond of having yet another YY*_PARAM to define, couldn't
we just use YYPARSE_PARAM directly?  And we would also pass yylloc
when used.

Also, I think we should make sure to end with the message, otherwise
we would prevent some fprintf-like yyerror.

Finally, it's a real pity that YYERROR has already another meaning :(

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