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Re: C++

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: C++
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 16:07:55 +0100

Reply-to: address@hidden

At 11:28 +0100 2002/11/15, Julia & Stefan Unz wrote:
>Is there any examples or documentation how to generate a C++ scanner
>using the skeleton? Or is it described somewhere in the web?

I use a rewrite of, but that relies on a Bison tweak that admits
the pre- and post-prologue segments to be used without its current ties to
the typed and %union feature.

If that is fixed, or if Bison gets a feature like
  %code <name>{
that inserts a macro corresponding to (pseudo-code)
  muscle_insert("code_<name>", obstack_finish(&code_<name>_obstack));
(as in output.c, prepare()) then this kind of skeleton files that I use can
be used to produce C++ output.

  Hans Aberg

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