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Re: Can one prune the parse stack?

From: Christoph Lechner
Subject: Re: Can one prune the parse stack?
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 23:08:32 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061206)

Mike Aubury wrote:
> I'm thinking your grammar is probably wrong - there shouldn't be any
> problem with having lots of packets like that - so long and they are
> not very recursive (packet within packet within packet .....)
> What does your grammar look like ?
@Mike: Sorry for sending my first reply to you and not to the list. So
here is my mail to the list.


thank you for your fast reply. I think I found the mistake now -- I
guess it's the 'stream' rule.

The beginning of my grammar is like:

stream:   /* empty line */
        | stmt stream
        | error stream

stmt:     LANGLE assignment_list RANGLE         { /* here the data of the
command is available */ }

        | assignment SEMIKOLON assignment_list

So, I think I identified my mistake. When I remove the top 'stream' rule
and make 'stmt' the new top rule, is it supposed to work then?
As I think about it now, my grammar is more like one does when parsing a
programming language. There, the all the statements as a whole form the
program, so one needs something like my 'stream' rule. But here the
statements are independent, so now I think the 'stream' rule isn't

When I make stmt the new top rule, is yyparse supposed to exit (and
clean up), once it parsed a single statement?

Am I correct?

- Christoph

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