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Re: Trailing comments in bison

From: Maury Markowitz
Subject: Re: Trailing comments in bison
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 16:06:47 -0500

Ok, I managed to get this to work, and ultimately it was quite easy. First you 
do this in flex:

'.*         { yylval.s = g_string_new(strndup(yytext + 1, yyleng - 1)); return 
QUOTEREM; } // short form in MS
!.*         { yylval.s = g_string_new(strndup(yytext + 1, yyleng - 1)); return 
BANGREM; } // later MS allow bang as well

Then in your bison you do this:

          $$ = g_list_prepend(NULL, $1);
    statement ':' statements
          $$ = g_list_prepend($3, $1);
    statements QUOTEREM
      $$ = g_list_prepend($1, NULL);
    statements BANGREM
      $$ = g_list_prepend($1, NULL);

and finally:

      statement_t *new = make_statement(REM);
      new->parms.rem = yylval.s;
      $$ = new;
      statement_t *new = make_statement(QUOTEREM);
      new->parms.rem = yylval.s;
      $$ = new;
      statement_t *new = make_statement(BANGREM);
      new->parms.rem = yylval.s;
      $$ = new;

Presto! More work than I would have liked, but doesn't really upset the syntax 
too badly and is still self-documented to a good degree.

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