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send-pr broken

From: Wes Barris
Subject: send-pr broken
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 15:05:37 -0600

The cvs version of gnats: send-pr is broken.  After building, installing,
and configuring gnats, send-pr produces this error:

address@hidden send-pr
It seems that send-pr is not installed with your organization set to a useful
value.  To fix this, you need to edit the  configuration
file and fill in the organization with the correct value.

It seems that send-pr is not installed with your unique submitter-id.
You need to run

          install-sid YOUR-SID

where YOUR-SID is the identification code you received with `send-pr'.
`send-pr' will automatically insert this value into the template field
`>Submitter-Id'.  If you've downloaded `send-pr' from the Net, use `net'
for this value.  If you do not know your id, run `send-pr --request-id' to 
get one from your support site.

I snooped through the send-pr code and found this snippet:

# Configuration file to be read.  It must be a shell script that can redefine
# the variables above to fit a local configuration.

if [ -r $CONFIGFILE ]; then

It looks like send-pr is looking for a file named "send-pr.conf".  This
is not included in the gnats distribution.  I don't see any documentation
on it anywhere.
Wes Barris                                            address@hidden
Network Computing Services, Inc.                           612.337.3423
Today's fortune: I think animal testing is a terrible idea; they get
all nervous and give the wrong answers.

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