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Re: disallowing intial high-priority PRs

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: disallowing intial high-priority PRs
Date: 24 Jun 2001 17:33:38 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.103

>>>>> "PE" == Phil Edwards <address@hidden> writes:

    PE> I've been informally requested to look into disallowing random
    PE> anonymous submitters from sending in PRs with the priority set
    PE> to 'high'.  There's a local policy that only the project
    PE> maintainers have authority to set 'high' priority (and thus
    PE> steering the actions of a lot of people), and an annoying number
    PE> of the PRs showing up are from well-meaning people who feel
    PE> their specific problem is really really important.  (It is to
    PE> /them/ but...)

    PE> Anyhow, I spewed out this hack.  Am I headed in the right
    PE> direction?  (The problem with testing it is that the only gnatsd
    PE> server available to me is the one I'd eventually be modifying,
    PE> i.e., no spare servers.)

Thanks, Phil, for your suggestion.  However so that the patch was really
useful, the following things must be ensured:

- It's not worth to bother with GNATS 3.113, it's not developed anymore.
  The current development tree is GNATS 4 in CVS.  It's a major rewrite
  so it's usually not possible to apply GNATS 3.113 patches into GNATS 4.
  See for information how to access

- The feature mustn't be hard-wired.  Your improvement is useful to you
  and I'm sure it would be useful to other people as well, but not to
  everyone.  If you think about such an improvement, I'd start with
  thinking about an appropriate configuration option in `dbconfig'
  (present only in GNATS 4).

BTW, if you need to test your changes on a running server, you can
configure GNATS for installation in a totally different directory and
test it there.  You can also configure it to connect to a gnatsd on a
different port than the default one or you can run gnatsd manually from
a command line.


Milan Zamazal

The world is not something you can wrap your head around without needing years
of experience.                              -- Kent M. Pitman in comp.lang.lisp

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