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Re: Encrypted password patch

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: Encrypted password patch
Date: 24 Jun 2001 17:45:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.103

>>>>> "YS" == Yngve Svendsen <address@hidden> writes:

    YS> The following patch against current version 4 CVS implements the
    YS> following password system:

    YS> - If the password in gnatsd.access is prefixed with $0$, the
    YS> password is assumed to be explicit plaintext.  - If it is
    YS> prefixed with $1$, it is assumed to be in MD5 format.  - If it
    YS> has no prefix, it is assumed to be in standard DES crypt format.

    YS> I have tested this both on Linux and Solaris, and it works just
    YS> as expected.

Please note that patch breaks the compilation if the `crypt' function is
not present.  It should handle the situation reasonably, possibly by
never matching passwords not starting with $0$; the code must be
#ifdefed appropriately.

    YS> then write a Perl script to convert old password files.

I wouldn't like to make GNATS installation dependent on Perl (despite
this is only a small utility), so the script should be written in C or
in sh using standard Unix tools (I'd think about awk, I think it's
present on every Unix system).

(If anything of the above is difficult for you, no problem -- just
define the behavior and I'll do it.)


Milan Zamazal

Free software is about freedom, not about free beer.  If you care only about
the latter, you'll end up with no freedom and no free beer.

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