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Re: Encrypted password patch

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: Encrypted password patch
Date: 25 Jun 2001 00:22:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.103

>>>>> "YS" == Yngve Svendsen <address@hidden> writes:

    YS> Yes, I'll see what I can get done. The only problem is that
    YS> calculating MD5 hashes in a portable way in a shell script might
    YS> prove to be a real challenge. It might be that we need a C
    YS> program for the job. If so, I'll try to specify the intended
    YS> behaviour to you.

Well, you're right, though `md5sum' exists on many systems, it's very
likely not present everywhere and moreover I can't recall any DES
utility right now.  So let's go C, the program should be quite simple,
I'll write it once we know what we want exactly.


Milan Zamazal

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general populace unless you really, really, really like migraines.
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