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RE: [External] : Question Regarding How To Adjust Default Zoom Level In

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : Question Regarding How To Adjust Default Zoom Level In Every New Buffer
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 18:52:58 +0000

No, I don't think you did. You mentioned why you don't want the font to appear 
too small, by default. That's not the same as saying why you want 
`text-scaling' to default to +1.

If you want to recalibrate zooming so that what you now see as +1 becomes the 
new normal (aka 0), then change the default font size.

Why do you want to "adjust the default zoom level", instead of adjusting the 
default font size?

The default font size is set for a frame by frame attribute `font', and by 
default for all frames by option `default-frame-alist'. And that's equivalent 
to what Eric suggested: setting attribute `font' of face `default'.

Maybe you really want to see "+1" in the mode-line, as your starting point? 
Maybe you want `C-x 0' to continue to reset to the global default, and not to 
your "+1" scaling default? Maybe you have some other reason?

So far, you haven't said why you want to do what you asked, "as opposed to..."

`text-scale-adjust' works off of the default face height. Why don't you want to 
just change that default?

I mentioned the reason 'Why' in my initial post.
Is it possible to adjust the default zoom level of any new buffer to +1 by 
> Is there a way to adjust an Emacs config so that it adjusts the default
> zoom level to +1 or +2?
> I ask because on my work Macbook, the default fonts are so small, but
> this is a limitation because of how dumb Macbooks interpret screen
> resolution when you connect two monitors to it since its based upon the
> laptop screen's resolution as the standard. Otherwise, you would have
> to blow up the text and font size of everything within the MacOS
> settings which makes web browsers look really jenky.
> With this in mind, is there any way to adjust the 'text-scale-adjust'
> value so that it starts at +1 no matter what?

Why do you want to start with +1 `text-scale-adjust',
as opposed to just setting the font with the size you
want in `default-frame-alist'?  That will give you
the baseline size you want for text-scaling (as zero,
not as +1).

(You could adjust that setting to whatever platform
you're currently running Emacs on.)

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