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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Thanks for your advices!

From: Konst Konst
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Thanks for your advices!
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:34:55 +0200 (EET)

> On Sat, 13 Nov 2004, Konst Konst wrote:
> > Now, all works fine! A Mysql auth-tion return accepts and rejects.
> > But! If Mysql will be "down" for some reasons, can I grant access at
> > this time? Is it possible?
> From that beautiful manual that really does (or is supposed to) have all
> the answers:
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Want your fall through to be something other than mysql, change mysql to
> BEGIN and the put a default, or put two DEFAULT entries with the first
> being mysql and the second being some other un/pw source.
> Gerald

Thank you for advice, but you do not understand a quesion... I cannot use it, 
because if mysql works fine, and returns to user "reject", I do not want fall 
through. User must be rejected. 
I have a database, where someone offen add new users, so auth-tion can be done 
by using special database only! BUT. When mysql do not work, I have to grant 
access to everybody.
And second default record do not help in my case. I have no other place, where 
I  can auth-te incoming user. I have to grant access to everybody, but how can 
I know, why my first default check had returned 'reject'?
I've looked through /sql/mysql.c and at this moment I see only the one way to 
solve my problem - change program code...

PS Sorry for my terrible english. :)

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