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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] [ address@hidden ] DV_AUTH_TYPE_SQL, DV_AUTH_TYPE_

From: Sergey Poznyakoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] [ address@hidden ] DV_AUTH_TYPE_SQL, DV_AUTH_TYPE_CRYPT_LOCAL and DV_AUTH_TYPE_LOCAL
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 17:21:36 EET

Georges Arnould <address@hidden> wrote:

> Nope, I took my previous users content and set it up by only modifying the
> Auth-Type attr. Previously, the login was Ok. Also with my patch (forcing
> Auth-Type = SQLto use plaintext pwd), the login was ok.
> I removed the Acct-Type attr. and the login is still rejected.

Please add the following to your debug level statement:


try authenticating and send me the resulting debug output.


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