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Re: NSXMLDocument

From: hns
Subject: Re: NSXMLDocument
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 11:00:33 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

> I have some code I wrote late last year that I haven't committed to  
> the base libaray ... just the headers and largely non-functional  
> skeletons of the implementation, but even so that's a little more  
> advanced than currently in mySTEP.

The latest state is that simple XML files (without DTD, Namespaces and
Entities) are parsed. Code (pure OBJ-C version) is not yet in

but will be with the next release (in the next days).

But I have seen that the GNUstep implementation shall become a wrapper
for libxml2 so my code can't be used anyway (since it does not relate
to libxml2).
Nevertheless it could be interesting for GNUstep to study how the
@implementation does some tricks.


BTW: parsing is a quite simple approach by using NSXMLParser and its
setDelegate: method and adding approx. 5 delegate methods to NSXMLNode.

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