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how to force 32-bit access

From: Maett
Subject: how to force 32-bit access
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 22:23:38 +0200
User-agent: Opera M2/7.54 (Win32, build 3929)


I have an interface card that only allows 32-bit access.
How can I make sure that g++ does not make optimizations that might
end in 8-bit or 16-bit accesses ?


If I have
  volatile unsigned long *pInterface;
  const unsigned long myflags = 0x40000000;
  *pInterface |= myflags;

g++ might theoretically leave the 3 low bytes of *pInterface untouched
and only make an 8-bit access to byte # 4.

What can I do to be *sure* it doesn't ?


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