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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Happy new year! ( and more levels)

From: Kasper Hviid
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Happy new year! ( and more levels)
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 05:37:53 +0100

Hello again! I have just returned from a quick trip to Sweden, so my reply is "a bit late."

Thanks for trying to get some Windows executables ready. I just tried to get some Ubundu up and running, but ran into some problems. I give it another try later on. So it is possible that I get to try LW6 even before the Windows version comes around!
About posting screenshots, it is just really needed when LW6 is working enough to go public. At that time, it would be good if we have enough marketing to convince people that LW6 is something really big - before they have tried it.
Christian Mauduit wrote:
> - LW6 goes multithreaded, for instance map loading is done in the
> background. I'm not a great thread fan, but it sometimes does help. The
> good aspect is the game will actually use recent multicore CPUs "the
> right way". The bad side is that multithreaded programs are always
> harder to debug...
I do have some (limited) understanding of what this multithreading is. It sounds a bit scary. :-P

> Kasper Hviid wrote:
> > The background could be scriptable, so the designer could design his
> > own sprites and background, and how the sprites should behave.
> mmm, I like this one - I like scripts 8-) But this really requires work.

What if it just loaded the background and the sprites from the level folder, without any behavior stuff? It is just that it is a bit limiting that the appearence of the background already has been designed. Some kinda artist thing ... most people won't care. ;-)

Speaking of the background, would you be interested in having me fresh up the sprites and textures a bit? I could also create some alternative ones.

About the GUI, do you want some texture to wrap around the cylinders in the menu? (If yes, what should the proportions be?)

According to the road map, I should starting creating levels right now! I will try to create some levels with a bit more space. And at least one anaglyph level. And some widescreen. I think I will now aim at some less abstract levels, with some more variations in them.


(even more) IDEAS:

1) It would be nice if it was possible to resize the play area to the size of the logical map, so that 1 logical pixel in the game = 1 pixel on screen.

2) It could be possible to define the size of the logical map in options.xml

3) A file called liquid-alpha.jpeg could define the opacity for the liquid. It would be used for places on the map where the liquid is invisible, because it is moving under an object.
It could also be texture.jpeg which was displayed on top of the liquid, cropped by liquid-alpha.jpeg.

4) So far, all my texture.jpeg are variations on the same flat, top down view, since this is the way the warrior layer is being rendered.
If the warrior layer  was wrapped on some 3D object instead, it would be possible to design some texture.jpeg with more perspective in them.
Possible workflow: Some 3D artist create a 3D world containing a slightly tilted square. He takes a screenshot of the scene, and sends it to me. I paste the screenshot into Photoshop, and paint a texture.jpeg based on it.
The 3D world would need to be static, since my texture.jpeg would be static.
I don't know much about 3D, so I don't have much idea how impossible it would be.

5) Dual Monitor support could be cool. Maybe an extremely wide level would be enough for this?
Now, back to creating levels. Good luck with the network and tech stuff!
 - Kasper

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