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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] New level: January

From: Kasper Hviid
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] New level: January
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 15:36:43 +0100

2010/1/6 Kasper Hviid <address@hidden>

2010/1/6 Christian Mauduit <address@hidden>

BTW, I added January to the "extra-maps" package (by default that's where
all new levels land...) but this one might be worth be put in the main
package, as well as some of your latest cute levels. I remember you
already suggested the list of "built-in" levels could be changed, and I do
think doing this selection is worth doing before releasing 0.0.8beta.

Cool - I will take a look at what should be included ... and excluded!

While reading this old thread I recalled that I should find out which maps should stay ... 

I think I will remove Atlantis and Sinusoid from the main package. While the graphic is good, I think the gameplay is better in other designs.

I have created an open level almost without graphic. It only takes up 15,8 KB

I have ended up with 12 levels. Maybe some of them should be removed, but I'm not sure which. Ideas are welcome.

My list:

Fish (open level)
January (open level, new, shows some new features)
Acadia (open level, skulls, like it)
Subflower (open level, flowers)
Strange new World
Fishy (shows wraparound + features + I like it)
Liquid Dream (violet, ink-drawing)
Ink and Oil
pizza face (shows wraparound)
playfield (shows wraparound)
nine points (new, shows bridge features)
five points (new, shows bridge features)

By the way Christian, I've been thinking a bit about redesigning the LW6 homepage at If you're cool with this, do you have any thoughts on the matter? Ideas, dogmas which should be respected, etc?

 - Kasper

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