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Re: gnu make and compile engines.

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: gnu make and compile engines.
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 15:02:36 -0400

%% Barry D Benowitz <address@hidden> writes:

  bdb> The environment that I am after is where the developer sits at a
  bdb> desk running a local version of Unix (usually Linux, but possibly
  bdb> sunOS) and would like to do his development locally as much as
  bdb> possible. However, the code should be compiled on a "compile
  bdb> engine"

Can't you have a wrapper that invokes the top-level GNU make on the
remote system, and not bother trying to get GNU make to understand when
the remote command failed?

Another option is to build GNU make with distributed build capability,
and configure it to build only on remote systems, not the local system.

  bdb> I have been using custom rules and enclosing the compile command
  bdb> in a "rsh" wrapper, but I have been unable to have gnu make
  bdb> understand when the compile fails.

Rsh doesn't return the exit code of the remote command; this is a
long-standing and well-known bug in rsh (and has nothing to do with GNU
make :).

  bdb> I have tried saving the results in a file on the remote system,
  bdb> examine the file locally and issuing an exit 1 command in a shell
  bdb> script, but it doesn't seem to work.

>From what you say I see no reason why this _shouldn't_ work, so you'll
have to give more details as to what you're doing, and what doesn't work
about it if you want to pursue it.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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