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Re: Make-ing different build.

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: Make-ing different build.
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:07:41 -0500

%% Andrea Riciputi <address@hidden> writes:

  ar> I need to write a makefile that allows me to build from basically
  ar> the same sources two different targets. The first is an
  ar> application (.exe file I mean), the latter is a library (.so
  ar> module). The rules for both the target are nearly the same, only
  ar> some compiler options change.

  ar> My intention was to write something like this:

  >> app.exe: $(fooObjectFiles)
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(fooCFLAGS) $(fooLDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
  >> %.o: %.c
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(fooCFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@
  >> .PHONY: bar
  >> bar:
  >> $(barObjectFiles)
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(barCFLAGS) $(barLDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
  >> %.o: %.c
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(barCFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@

You're missing an extremely important bit here: what are the definitions
of fooObjectFiles and barObjectFiles?

Given your comments above I'll assume that there is at least one file in
common between these.

That is your problem.

  ar> and call make in the following way:

  ar> % make foo // When I want to build app.exe

  ar> % make bar // When I want to build

  ar> However it doesn't work, because of the double %.o: %.c rule.

That's not why it doesn't work.  It may be technically why you get an
error, but your problem is actually conceptual.

It doesn't work because you are trying to create the same target using
two different commands.  That will not work with make.

Make uses only timestamps to determine whether targets are out of date.
So suppose you have a file foo.c which is shared between the library and
the app.  You run "make foo" and it compiles foo.c into foo.o with the
app flags.

Now you run "make bar".  It sees that you need foo.o to link with the
library.  It looks on the disk.  It sees a foo.o.  It compares the
timestamp to foo.c; foo.o is newer.  So, it doesn't rebuild foo.o and
now your library fails to build or work properly because the foo.o was
compiled with the app flags and not the library flags.

If you want to have the same source file compiled in different ways
you _MUST_ use different output file as the target.

Typically for shared libraries vs. applications the difference is that
one is compiled as relocatable (with -fPIC or similar).  Often what
people do is use an extension of ".lo" for those objects, and keep the
non-relocatable objects as .o.

So, your makefile above becomes:

  >> app.exe: $(fooObjectFiles)
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(fooCFLAGS) $(fooLDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
  >> %.o: %.c
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(fooCFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@
  >> .PHONY: bar
  >> bar:
  >> $(barObjectFiles)
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(barCFLAGS) $(barLDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
  >> %.lo: %.c
  >>    $(CCompiler) $(barCFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@

and barObjectFiles contains values like "foo.lo bar.lo baz.lo" etc.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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