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Re: suppressing shell error output

From: Martin Sebor
Subject: Re: suppressing shell error output
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 18:34:26 -0600
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Mike Frysinger wrote:
which is pretty well ported ... OS X (Darwin), BSD, Linux have it by default ...

True. I looked for a machine w/o it and couldn't find one. I do
recall that we had one where it wasn't available (AIX 4.2 maybe?)
In any case, it's not in POSIX.
(Looking some more... Ah, found one: z/OS UNIX System Services.)

afaik, which should only error under really bad circumstances, so something like this should work:
which_binary=`which which 2>/dev/null`
test -z "$which_binary" && echo no which available

i guess if you're going to be really super anal about it, you'd wrap the whole thing in a local function:
function my_which() {
    if test -z "$which_binary" ; then
        ... your workaround here ...

My point was that if I go to the trouble of implementing a workaround
for a missing which I might as well use it instead and save myself the
effort of maintaining two solutions.

        $which_binary "$@"

note that you cant rely on exit status on which, just output ... stupid OS X ships a broken which that always exits 0 even if the specified utility isnt found

POSIX should really add which as a requirement. It's essential,
non-trivial to work around when it doesn't exist, and widely


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