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Re: how to know all the strings defined

From: Paul Smith
Subject: Re: how to know all the strings defined
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 14:53:03 -0400

On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 20:34 +0530, ranjith kumar wrote:
> 1) I have a make file which include many other files, with definitions like
>                DIR = /home
>                USER = ranjith
>                   .
> How to know all the strings defined in the above  manner?
> I tried "make -d". It is not printing that information

Look up the -p (--print-data-base) flag in the manual.

> 2) Below a dependency rule
>            all : main
>                 @echo "compiling main.cpp"
>                  @g++ main.cpp
> What is the significance of "@" ??
> Becuse of it, when I run make file it is not printing the compilation command
> "g++ main.cpp" on the screen?

You answered your own question.  See the section "Command Echoing" in
the manual.

> How to get that on screen without modifying the make file?

You can't.  All you can do is run "make -n", which prints silent rules
but doesn't run anything, and doesn't always run the same set of
commands that "make" runs.

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