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execution of rules in included Makefiles

From: Chris Cross
Subject: execution of rules in included Makefiles
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 16:00:12 -0500

I have a makefiles of the form:


.PHONY: all
all: foo

foo: foo.o
        $(CC) $< $(LIBS) -o $@

include Makefile.rules
include Makefile.gen

# end Makefile

Makefile.rules contains some pattern rules. Makefile.gen contains a rule
and that recipe is being executed before before the recipe for foo in the
outer Makefile. I'm probably not reading close enough, but the manual
doesn't seem to address execution of rules in included Makefiles. Do rules
in included Makefiles get executed in the read pass of the outer Makefile?


Chris Cross
DataPower Development

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