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Re: [Help-smalltalk] Code update and class variables

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] Code update and class variables
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 12:22:30 +0200
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On 09/07/2010 10:53 AM, Holger Hans Peter Freyther wrote:
On 09/07/2010 04:23 PM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:

LogTarget class methods can be used to set a default logging target
and, as you mentioned, you could have also a per-process LogTarget.

You can add a LogMultiplexer class to emulate
log_add_target/log_del_target.  It can be just an internal detail.

How does this look?

Thanks for taking the time, the LogFilter hierachy is a nice idea. One reason
to have the dedicated 'LogArea' class is from a configuration point of view.

A user does not want to reconfigure the LogTarget (and the filters applied on
it) but he wants to see the SCCP messages. So currently on the telnet
interface I do something like:

        logging SCCP enabled.

With the filtering I would have to add an allow filter, or remove from the
target which is certainly possible but a bit of a hassle. On the other hand by
having a nice chain of filters one can do a lot more.

Yeah, maybe the LogFilter hierarchy sacrifices usability too much. It's nice to be able to modify the filter. Maybe you can make instead a hierarchy with LogFilter on the side instead of under LogTarget:

    LogPolicy (abstract)
        LogFilter (implements a dynamically-changeable filter)

Then every LogTarget has a LogPolicy and you can send messages like

       ^policy ifNil: [policy := self defaultPolicy]

       ^LogFilter new
           minimumLevel: LogEntry error;

   LogTarget default policy
       disable: #SCCP.
   LogTarget processDefault policy
       enable: #SCCP minimumLevel: LogEntry all.

Then LogTarget's logging method would have to create LogEntry, test it against its LogFilter, and if successful pass it to the abstract method.

Another idea: LogPolicies could make a chain and, if the object specifies neither enable nor disable, it could delegate to the next policy. So for example the process-default policy could delegate to the global policy. This delegation could be implemented in the abstract class.

    LogPolicy>>accept: anEntry
        (self shouldAccept: anEntry) ifTrue: [^true].
        (self shouldRejept: anEntry) ifTrue: [^false].
        ^self next isNil
            ifTrue: [true]
            ifFalse: [self next accept: anEntry]

    LogPolicy>>shouldAccept: anEntry
         self subclassResponsibility

    LogPolicy>>shouldReject: anEntry
         self subclassResponsibility

        | policy |
        policy := LogFilter new
           minimumLevel: LogEntry error;

        self == self class default
            ifFalse: [policy next: self class default policy].

(BTW, LogMultiplexer can have its own policy, which is combined (logically by an AND) with its targets' policies).

Does this look nicer?


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