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Re: display _ as left arrow (was Re: Help on sending a UDP Packet)

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: display _ as left arrow (was Re: Help on sending a UDP Packet)
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 10:37:16 +0100 (CET)

Hi Derek,

----- Op 12 jan 2021 om 22:08 schreef help-smalltalk

>> The Smalltalk language definition Blue Book does not define ":=" as far as I
>> know.
> To be fair, nor does it define "_" or "^". All it says was "left arrow" or
> "uparrow". We got to make do with what we have.
> Derek

Yes you're right.

Also it was wrong from my side to ask to update the 'pretty-print' filter.

If the pretty-print filter works fine for the moment,
by displaying := as a left-arrow, then that's a good solution,
to use := and at the same time use Smalltalk style left-arrows for assignments.

So I don't really ask for an update of the pretty-print filter,
but if somebody would implement it, then that's also fine of course.

As you wrote, you're open to a patch if somebody would develop it,
but it would perhaps be non-trivial to do it.

Because I'm happy with simply _ (underscore) and I use a font that displays
the underscore as a left-arrow , there's no problem.

Note that there are several fonts around on the internet
that display a left-arrow at the position that the current underscore is.

Smalltalk is a relatively "old" language.

What I like about GNU Smalltalk is that it tries to run Smalltalk in UNIX,
while still retaining compatibility with the blue book.

If I understand correctly the origins of Smalltalk are NOT on UNIX.

But GNU Smalltalk certainly is a UNIX-oriented implementation, as far as I can 

David Stes

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