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Re: nnimap, expiry-wait, and total-expire

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: nnimap, expiry-wait, and total-expire
Date: Sun, 09 May 2004 19:27:40 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

>     ((uidvalidity . "1069690233")
>      (total-expire t)
>      (expiry-wait 93))

Maybt Gnus accepts the above format, but I've always seen

     ((uidvalidity . "1069690233")
      (total-expire . t)
      (expiry-wait . 93))

instead.  The `.' is significant: your format is equivalent to

     ((uidvalidity . "1069690233")
      (total-expire . (t))
      (expiry-wait . (93)))

which I expect doesn't make any difference w.r.t total-expire (Gnus
probably only cares about it being non-nil), but the setting of (93)
instead of 93 might very well confuse Gnus (I don't have Gnus-5.10
but at least 5.9 does not document expiry-wait as accepting a list).


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