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Re: "End of file during parsing" on gnus startup, group buffer empty

From: Roger Levy
Subject: Re: "End of file during parsing" on gnus startup, group buffer empty
Date: 25 Jun 2004 14:10:14 -0700

Christopher Biggs <> wrote in message 
> (Roger Levy) moved upon the face of the 'Net and spake 
> thusly:
> > I just checked, and my .newsrc-news-dribble file seems to have been
> > truncated!  It is missing parens, but perhaps more importantly, it is
> > missing many lines for many of my groups!  This probably happened when
> > the disk ran out of space while I was in gnus...
> >
> > Is there a way of replacing the .newsrc-news-dribble file?
> Just delete it and restart gnus.  The dribble file is like a
> transaction log, it just contains a backup of your recently performed
> but not yet saved to .newsrc.eld  changes to .newsrc.eld.
> Deleting it should just un-do any changes you did to your messages
> (such as marking them read) in the aborted session.
> Back up all your your .newsrc* files first, in case the result is not
> to your liking, and you decide you'd prefer to reconstruct your
> dribble file after all.
> --cjb

Many thanks, this worked.


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