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Re: Accessing another Mailbox on Exchange

From: Stefan Kamphausen
Subject: Re: Accessing another Mailbox on Exchange
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 16:37:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through Obscurity, linux)


this question finally has an answer.

1. Access the exchange server via IMAP using the nnimap backend for
   the secondary mailbox and nnml for the main box (I want that mail
   stored locally anyway, so I use "IMAP as POP++" here).

(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
      '((nnml "")
        (nnimap "imapserver"
                (nnimap-address "imapserver")

;; ....

(eval-after-load "mail-source"
  '(setq mail-sources
            :server "imapserver"
            :user "username"
            :password "password"
            :fetchflag "\\Seen" ;; don't delete while testing it all

2. Use a username of the form "windowsdomain/loginname/mailbox" when
   prompted for the username (or in your ~/.authinfo).  This is not to
   be confused with the username given in mail-sources which accesses
   the primary inbox of the user.

   For me the important part of this was, that I had to use the short
   name of the mailbox because the long name (as displayed by one of
   those very common mailreaders) was of the form "Our Team [me&you]"
   so it contained spaces as well as other potentially disturbing
   chars.  I don't know what caused the problem but using the short
   name I can now access that other mailbox.

It took me about two weeks to finally get this, maybe it is of
interest and should be written to MGO?

Stefan Kamphausen ---
a blessed +42 regexp of confusion (weapon in hand)
You hit. The format string crumbles and turns to dust.

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