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Re: referring to local variables

From: pkd
Subject: Re: referring to local variables
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 19:04:18 +0000 (GMT)
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 Hamster-Pg/

On lun, 28 feb 2005, Andreas Balser wrote:

> (However, I am still confused about the problem with referring to
> local variables...)

,----[ C-h v gnus-newsgroup-variables RET ]
| gnus-newsgroup-variables's value is (gnus-visible-headers
| message-user-fqdn message-use-mail-followup-to)
| A list of variables that have separate values in different newsgroups.
| A list of newsgroup (summary buffer) local variables, or cons of
| variables and their default expressions to be evalled (when the
| default values are not nil), that should be made global while the
| summary buffer is active.
| Note: The default expressions will be evaluated (using function
| `eval') before assignment to the local variable rather than just
| assigned to it. If the default expression is the symbol `global', that
| symbol will not be evaluated but the global value of the local
| variable will be used instead.
| These variables can be used to set variables in the group parameters
| while still allowing them to affect operations done in other buffers.
| For example:
| (setq gnus-newsgroup-variables
|      '(message-use-followup-to
|        (gnus-visible-headers .
|        "^From:\\|^Newsgroups:\\|^Subject:\\|^Date:\\|^To:")))
| Defined in `gnus-sum'.
| [back]

.signature: not found

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