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Re: How Do I Suppress Header Encoding For Some Groups?

From: Aidan Kehoe
Subject: Re: How Do I Suppress Header Encoding For Some Groups?
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 23:52:18 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.5-b21 (corn, NetBSD-i386)

 Ar an dara lá déag de mí Iúil, scríobh Steven Woody: 

 > Steven Woody <> writes:
 > > if I type in non-ascii characters in the Subject line, gnus will
 > > automatically encode it as something like ?gb2312?Q%##@%# when the
 > > article is really sent out.  this is okay for most cases and absolutely
 > > necessary for email.
 > >
 > > but, i need to access some private groups, which got a bi-direction
 > > interface between web and usenet, so every article i posted will get
 > > display on web, and vice versa.  the problem is that, their web
 > > engineer can not render the encoded header correctly, hence my subject
 > > line will not get read by other users who prefer to web.

There is no other way standard way to encode those headers, for non-ASCII
text, besides RFC 2047 encoding, the process you’ve asked how to
suppress. (And even that standard is only applied to Usenet by a process of
widespread looking-the-other-way.)  So, what you’re asking is “this text is
illegible because some web archiving software is broken. How do I make it
illegible (perhaps in a different way, but I haven’t specified if that’s
necessary)?” Not a very constructive question.

This piece of advice will transform all non-ASCII characters in the relevant
headers to a full stop, and may be enough for you if you add it to your
initialisation file:

(defadvice rfc2047-encode-message-header 
  (before my-rfc2047-encode-message-header-change activate)
  "Replace non-ASCII characters in the headers with . if the region contains
soc.culture.china.  "
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "[^\001-\177]" nil t)
    (replace-match ".")))

But I can’t read minds. What you should be doing is telling the maintainers
of the web archive software to fix their program. 

 > > [...]
 > is there anyone get a clue? please.

Russian has no phoneme that corresponds directly to Germanic /h/. As a 
result, for a not-insignificant number of people, the Second World War 
involved the Soviet Union defeating Адольф Гитлер, “Adolf Gitler.”

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