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Re: No Followup-To header defaults

From: Haines Brown
Subject: Re: No Followup-To header defaults
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:10:52 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Reiner Steib <> writes:

> On Thu, Aug 25 2005, Haines Brown wrote:
>> I've cut out everything in ~/.gnus except for
>>   (setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "..."))
>> and the problem persists. 
> Which problem?  The prompt "Really post to these unknown groups: x,
> y?"?  


> Gnus doesn't know that groups x and y exist.  Maybe in your previous
> setup, Gnus knew about the groups x and y (IIRC unsubscrkilledibed
> groups are also considered here).

I had assumed that when I followed up to a message, the header of my
reply would read the Newsgroups: line of the message to which I am
responding. Your answer implies that this not so, and the behavior
about which I'm complaining is normal. 

You seem to imply that in my previous setup gnus didn't read the
Newsgroups: line, but would somehow otherwise know of these groups,
even if I had never subscribed to them or killed them. 

For example, I'm involved in a discussion on a newsgroup, but the OP
had distributed his message to several groups, including
uk.politics.misc. When I follow up to up his messages, the
uk.politics.misc group in my old setup would appear automatically in
the "Newsgroups:" line of my outgoing header.

Since you may be suggesting that my old gnus somehow knew of
uk.politis.misc, I searched in ~/News and the ~/.newsrc* files, but
didn't find it.

In my old setup, ~/News contained a set of files corresponding to the
groups to which I subscribed. For example, linux.debian.user.SCORE,
which holds the sole line "(("references"))". My new set up has no
such files. 

In the original setup, In the file for the newsgroup to which I reply
to message with multiple addresses, the entry has sets of lines like

    ("<>[ ]*$" nil 732153 r)
    ("<>" nil 732153 s)

       Haines Brown

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