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Re: How do i get my mail from where fetchmail/procmail put it?

From: subopt
Subject: Re: How do i get my mail from where fetchmail/procmail put it?
Date: 3 May 2006 09:48:35 -0700
User-agent: G2/0.2

I set my ~/FetchedMail/ directory aside, then recreated it, but
without creating the subdirectories. When procmail tries to implement
a rule, and there's no directory matching the target name, it creates
a _file_ by that name. Thereafter, it just appends to that file.

That didn't quite solve it, though. I found an additional procmail
rule i had to use:

    :0 fhw
    | /usr/bin/formail -a Message-Id: -a "Subject: (None)"

I found this recipe here:

Then, i just set up the simplest possible ~/.gnus imaginable:

    (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml ""))
    (setq mail-sources '(
                         (directory :path "/home/me/FetchedMail")

That's all. Now it works, and far faster than my straight IMAP access
was. And no silly 50 MB quota either.

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