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Gmail pop3 problem

From: Burton Samograd
Subject: Gmail pop3 problem
Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 20:12:12 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)


I've spent the better part of my afternoon trying to get mail to and
from my machine through gmail's smtp and pop servers.  Sending is
working just fine through the compose-mail interface, but there's a
problem with fetching through pop.  I had some problems with not
having ssl.el, which went away once I installed it.  Now there are no
connection problems and it looks like the whole retrieval is going
just fine...except for the fact that it always says there are no
messages in the inbox (even though I can see them just find in my
firefox login).  Here's my configuration, but there really seems to
be only one example up on the net to do it so I don't know what might
be wrong:

(eval-after-load "mail-source" '(require 'pop3))
(setq pop3-leave-mail-on-server t)
(setq pop3-debug t)
(setq mail-sources                                   
      `((pop :server ""
             :port 995
             :user ""
             :password ,password
             :connection ssl
             :leave t)))

I do use the backquote form so that I can keep my passwords all in the
same place, but really don't think that would cause any problems.
Here is the pop3 debug output that comes back:

+OK Gpop ready 29pf412862wrl
+OK send PASS
+OK Welcome.
+OK 0 messages (0 bytes)
+OK Farewell.

so it looks like it's going through ok, but the messages aren't
getting reported.  I do have pop enabled on the account, not for *all*
messages, but only those from *this time forward*.  I send mail, it
does show up (I haven't read it using firefox, just checked to see if
they arrived) but isn't seen with pop.

Is there some flag or hidden switch for pop3 that might help here?  

burton samograd                                 kruhft .at. gmail

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