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Re: troubles after have changed locale ISO-8859-15 to utf8

From: Katsumi Yamaoka
Subject: Re: troubles after have changed locale ISO-8859-15 to utf8
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 17:13:38 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> wrote:

> I am using GNU Emacs 22.1.1 and   No Gnus v0.7.

> Few days ago, I changed my locale from ISO-8859-15 to UTF8. After some
> headaches, everything seems to be fine.

> When I send mails, I keep  a copy of the message in a file in a folder
> given by:
> (concat  "nnml:gposted." (format-time-string "%Y") ".news-" (format-
> time-string "%m-%B-%Y"))

> The bad thing, is that I am french, and some folders have accents like
> "février". Folder created while I was using ISO-8859-15  are now badly
> displayed (funny characters like ? and others things like that). So i
> decided to convert them with convmv. Now it is a mess. I cannot acces
> to folder such as
>  nnml:gposted.2007.mails-02-février-2007

First of all, please update your No Gnus from CVS and read the
Info manual carefully:

(info "(gnus)Non-ASCII Group Names") <- type `C-x C-e' here.

The non-ASCII group names handling for the nntp and the nnml back
ends has been improved in the Gnus CVS trunk a couple of months
ago (before those changes, Gnus have not been working fully with
non-ASCII group names, particularly with the nnml back end).
However, I noticed I've overlooked renaming of nnml groups, and
Gcc.  Now both work properly.

There are three important variables that you may want to set;
those are:


Though, you will not necessarily have to customize all those
variables.  If anything, leaving them as the defaults seems to
be good in the utf-8 locale.

Well, although it's been untested, I think the best way for you
is to change the encoding of those directory names to utf-8
something like the following:

1. To make those groups visible temporarily, set `g-g-n-c-m-a'
   and `n-p-c-s' as follows:

   (setq gnus-group-name-charset-method-alist
         '(((nnml . "") . iso-8859-15))
         nnmail-pathname-coding-system 'iso-8859-15)

   You might need to restart Gnus.

2. Make sure that you can read the group
   nnml:gposted.2007.mails-02-février-2007 and others.  If you
   cannot read them, go to 3b.

3a. In the group buffer, rename those group names to the ones
   that contain no non-ASCII characters.  For instance:

   G r gposted.2007.mails-02-fevrier-2007 RET

4a. Reset `g-g-n-c-m-a' and `n-p-c-s' to the default values:

   (setq gnus-group-name-charset-method-alist nil
         nnmail-pathname-coding-system nil)

5. But if the value of `default-file-name-coding-system' is not
   utf-8 or mule-utf-8, use the following hereafter:

   (setq nnmail-pathname-coding-system 'utf-8)

   You might need to restart Gnus.

6. Rename those group names to the ones that they were.

   G r gposted.2007.mails-02-février-2007 RET

   That's all.
The reason you cannot read the archive groups might be that you
made those groups before Gnus was improved.  I'm not sure what
happened, but Emacs' internal coding system (i.e. `emacs-mule')
might have been used.

3b. Open a terminal emulator, e.g. xterm.  Set the locale to
   iso-8859-15.  Maybe it is enough to set the LC_ALL environment
   variable to that of Latin-9 (I don't know the locale name).

   Then rename those directory names to the ones that contain no
   non-ASCII characters.  For instance:

   cd ~/Mail/gposted/2007
   mv mails-02-février-2007 mails-02-fevrier-2007

4b. In the group buffer, delete the archive groups in question
   by `G DEL' or kill them by `C-k' if deleting doesn't work.

   Create the archive groups of which the names contain no
   non-ASCII characters.  For instance:

   G m mails-02-fevrier-2007 RET nnml RET

   Perform the `M-g' command on those groups and make sure there
   are articles.  And then, goto 5.

> Moreover, since I use nnir/swish to archive my mails, I can't fetch
> any mails holding in a folder with accents accents...

> any help would be appreciated.

I'm not familiar with nnir.el, sorry.

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