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[Libffcall] Make errors on Apple Macbook Pro (Mac OSX 10.9.1)

From: Sandeep K Chaudhary
Subject: [Libffcall] Make errors on Apple Macbook Pro (Mac OSX 10.9.1)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 23:44:46 -0800


I was trying to build libffcall on Mac OSX and make gives these errors

sandeeps-MacBook-Pro:ffcall sandeepchaudhary$ make
cd avcall && /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make all
gcc -E `if test true = true; then echo '-DASM_UNDERSCORE'; fi`
./avcall-i386-macro.S | grep -v '^ *#line' | grep -v '^#ident' | grep
-v '^#' | sed -e 's,% ,%,g' -e 's,% ,%,g' -e 's,\. ,.,g' >
/bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile gcc -x none -c avcall-i386.s
 gcc -x none -c avcall-i386.s -o avcall-i386.o
avcall-i386.s:39:2: error: instruction requires: 32-bit mode
 call *%eax
avcall-i386.s:47:2: error: instruction requires: 32-bit mode
 call *%eax
avcall-i386.s:53:2: error: instruction requires: 32-bit mode
 call *%eax
make[1]: *** [avcall-i386.lo] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

So it seems that it is expects 32 bit CPU for these instructions. To
counter this, I tried configuring it with '--host=x86_64' option.
After this when I try 'make' I get these new errors

sandeeps-MacBook-Pro:ffcall sandeepchaudhary$ make
cd avcall && /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make all
/bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile gcc -x none -c ./avcall-x86_64.s
 gcc -x none -c ./avcall-x86_64.s -o avcall-x86_64.o
./avcall-x86_64.s:5:2: error: unknown directive
 .type __builtin_avcall,@function
./avcall-x86_64.s:331:2: error: unknown directive
 .size __builtin_avcall,.Lfe1-__builtin_avcall
./avcall-x86_64.s:332:11: error: mach-o section specifier uses an
unknown section type
 .section .eh_frame,"aw",@progbits
make[1]: *** [avcall-x86_64.lo] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Am I not configuring it correctly for 64 bit Mac?
If not, is this a bug? Please let me know.


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