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breaking beams into flags

From: Rune Zedeler
Subject: breaking beams into flags
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 15:11:38 +0100

It is a serious limitation that it is so hard to specify breakpoints of beams.
I would like a command to say that "no beams can cross this point".
Or at least that [c8] results in a flagged c instead of something unusable (c
wih neither beam nor flag).
Attached an example. It is hopefully easy to see that the alto part is ugly in
measures 2 and 4 (the beam should be broken corresponding to the other 2
voices) - and currently I know no easy solution. I.e. the only solution is to
temporarily setting noAutoBeaming=##t which is far too cumbersome.


\include ""

\header {
  title = "Vintertid"
  composer = "Kurt Larsen"
  poet = "Lisbet Torp"
  arranger = "Rune Zedeler"
  piece = "GK aflevering 7/12-2001"

sopran = \notes \relative c' {
  \key d \minor  \clef G  \time 3/4
  \partial 4. a'8 b a | g4 g8 b a g | f4. f8 e f | g4 g8 a b c |
  a4. a8 c a | a4 g8 f d f | g4. g8 a b | a4 a8 g f e | d4 r8 \bar "|."

alt = \notes \relative c' {
  \key d \minor  \clef G  \time 3/4
  \partial 4. a8 b a | b4 b8 d f e | e4()d8 d a a | d4 d8 d e g |
  g4()f8 f e es | d4 d8 d d d | d4. d8 d d | d4 cis8 d cis cis | d4 r8 \bar

bas = \notes \relative c' {
  \key d \minor  \clef F  \time 3/4
  \partial 4. a8 b a | e4 e8 d cis cis | d4. d8 cis c | b4 h8 h c e |
  f4. f8 f f | b,4 b8 b b d | es4. es8 es es | e?4 e8 f g a | d,4 r8 \bar "|."

txt = \lyrics {
  Det var en mor- gen ved vin- ter- tid,
  jeg våg- ned' op til en jord så hvid,
  og luf- ten mød- te mig frisk og ren,
  og der lå rim- frost på hver en gren.

\score { \notes
  \context ChoirStaff <
    \property ChoirStaff.automaticMelismata = ##t
      \context Staff = sops { \sopran }
      \context Lyrics = sopl { \txt }
      \context Staff = alts { \alt }
      \context Lyrics = altl { \txt }
      \context Staff = bass { \bas }
      \context Lyrics = basl { \txt }
  \paper {
    linewidth = 18.0 \cm

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