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Re: chord labeling

From: José Luis Cruz
Subject: Re: chord labeling
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 18:09:43 +0100

What i used to do is to use the figured bass engraver, but with text,
so i must change the default font which only brings numbers by
another one with text:

% i.e.


analysis = \figures {
\property FiguredBass.BassFigure \override #'font-name = #"cmr17"
\property FiguredBass.BassFigure \override #'font-magnification = #0.6
<"IV">2. <"·/·"> <"\flat VI">  <"II-">1 <"\flat II"> <"V">  <"I"> 
<_><"VII$^{\mbox{\small o}}$"> <"VI-"> <"I">}


You could then have both the harmony and the analysis over the music.
The syntax I've used is from an earlier 2.1.x version, so maybe you
must change it a bit. But get the idea... You can play with that...

You ask about automatic analysing... that is a very subjective
thing... And a human perception at the end. My opinion is that it
would only be possible to do it with very simple compositions, which
uses typical progressions and by using some kind of database of
structures. But at the moment it gets on complicated passages, or if
you have less typical progressions, modulations, or progressions which
gets harmonies from another modes... or just new harmonic solutions.
How is the computer supposed to interpret that? It's like if you ask
the word processor to explain a poem. Well, there are so many
possibilities, but only a few make sense, and are determined by the
context.. I think AI it's not such advanced by the moment :)


A 24/02/04 22:07:54
"Edward Sanford Sutton, III" <address@hidden> escribió:

>   I know a chord can be labeled as Cm, but is there a way to label
>   them for 
> harmonic analysis? I have only figured out how to get so far with
> stuff like:
> <c e g>_\markup "i"
> The last time I attempted such markings was on a cadential I 6/4
> chord. I found that using \column in a markup statement was about as
> far as I was getting (which would still need work). In any case, a
> number of other needed notations are beyond my ability to figure out
> with my current lilypond knowledge. I usually glance at the chord
> names section of the manual, thus remembering that it isn't
> discussed there; maybe I thought I found a way to get what I want a
> while back in lilypond's manual.
>   I don't expect lilypond to determine the analysis itself, but this
>   would be 
> a nice addition to figured bass if it isn't currently possible.
>   On that, is there a reason why '/' hasn't been supported in
>   figured bass? I 
> thought that the figured bass engraver was basically just engraving
> markups. Is is also interacting with the music for anything besides
> spacing? The only differences I see in handling "/" versus the other
> accidental markings is that it's meaning could not be processed
> without analyzing the bass note and also possibly that the "/" tries
> to get processed by a programming language, like "\" as an escape
> sequence.
>   Is there somewhere besides the bugs section of the corresponding
>   lilypond 
> page that explains such problems better? I didn't notice anything
> sticking out at me within the source yet.
>   I can't seem to get a handle on lilypond code yet; I haven't
>   programmed in 
> too long and have too little time to make a lot of good sense of any
> source file I have opened yet.
> Thanks,
> Ed Sutton
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