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metronome mark problems

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: metronome mark problems
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 23:40:44 +0200 (CEST)

% This file shows problems with metronome strings in lilypond
% CVS 2004-03-27 00:24 MET.
% . The note symbol is too big.
% . The bottom of the note symbol should be aligned with the bottom of
%   the digits.
% . Assuming that the metronome mark affects the following input, it
%   shouldn't be located over the time signature.
% . The metronome mark should move vertically if necessary, similar
%   to dynamic marks.

\version "2.1.34"

\score {
  \context Staff \notes \relative c' {
    \clef treble \time 1/2 \tempo 2=92 f8[ f r f] |
    \tempo 2=92 f''8[ f r f]

  \paper {
    raggedright = ##t


PNG image

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