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"p dolce"

From: Graham Percival
Subject: "p dolce"
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 17:54:45 -0700

Thanks to Mats, we can now get nicely formatted "p dolce", "f espr" and whatnot:

\version "2.3.13"
#(def-markup-command (text paper props arg) (markup?)
  "Use ordinary text font."
   paper (prepend-alist-chain 'font-encoding 'ec props) arg))

pdolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:dynamic "p" #:text #:italic "dolce" ) )

\score { \relative c''{
        c4\pdolce c c c
        c4 c c c
        c4 c c c

There's two minor problems with this, though:
1) The "p dolce" is centered under the notehead, which results in the dynamic being to the left of the notehead. I think it looks better to have the "p" being
centered under the notehead, and the "dolce" extending to the right.
2) This method relies on explicitly creating "pdolce", "fespr", "pespr", "ppespr",
etc.  Could this method be generalized such that we could simply write:
(or some other notation)

I'm content to explicitly define the markings I need for my pieces right now, so this can be a longer-term feature request. But IMO LilyPond should have this
capability before it can be considered to be perfect.  :)

- Graham

On 12-Aug-04, at 4:28 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Comment for lilypond-devel:
For situations like these, where the grob by default has a
number of font related properties set, it would be nice to
have a markup command the resets all these properties to
the default, just like \normalfont in LaTeX. Preferably,
these defaults should be taken from book-paper(?).

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