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[bug] Wierd spacing and MetronomeMark in lilypond-book

From: Graham Percival
Subject: [bug] Wierd spacing and MetronomeMark in lilypond-book
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 17:58:00 -0700

I've managed to get the MetronomeMark to separate the stem from the


In addition, there's a huge space underneath the first staff line.  Is
the MetronomeMark #'padding property being applied underneath
the staff line?  (instead of between the Mark and the staff line)

Title, Composer, Header stuff.

\score {
  \relative c'''{
    \tempo 4=80
    \repeat unfold 6 {c4 c c c  c c c c  c c c c  c c c c \break }
  \paper {
    \context { \Score \override MetronomeMark #'padding = #16.0 }

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