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Re: entering music without \time

From: Erik Sandberg
Subject: Re: entering music without \time
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2004 10:29:59 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

On Friday 03 September 2004 23.41, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
> what I've started to look at is something like that:
> \tupletify { c8 c8*2/3 c c c8 c8*4/5 c16*4/5 c  c4*2/6}
> ==>
> { c8 \tuplet 2/3 { c8 c c } c8 \tuplet 4/5 { c8 c16 c }  \tuplet 2/6 { c4 }
> }
> is this ok?

This is just about perfect! (except \tuplet should be \times :) )

Some small questions though:
1. What will it do about strange multipliers, like:
{ c8*2/3 c8*1*2/3 c8*4/3*1/2 c8*2 }
In my opinion, it would be sensible to just ignore strange multipliers and 
turn it into something like
{ \times 2/3 {c8} c8*1*2/3 c8*4/3*1/2 c8*2 }

One could reason that c8*2 should be turned into \times 2 {c8}. But IMHO this 
notation is so rare anyways; and in most of the cases integer multiplication 
occur (such as in R1*20) you don't want tuplet notation. so I suggest that 
c8*2 is left untouched by the tupletifier.

2. What about grace notes? Will this work?
\tupletify { c8*2/3 \grace c16*2/3 c8*2/3 c }
\times 2/3 { c8 \grace c16 c8 c}

3. Does anyone have a better word than tupletify?


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