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Re: how does uniform-stretching work?

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: how does uniform-stretching work?
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:40:03 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050929)

Graham Percival wrote:
Trying to add NEWS items to the docs...

I can't see a difference between these two bars. If I understand uniform-stretching, shouldn't there be a difference? What's going on here?

\paper{ragged-right = ##t}
  \time 2/4
  \new Staff { c16[ c c c c c c c] c[ c c c c c c c] }
  \new Staff {
          c16[ cisis ces cis c cisis ces cis]
    \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t
          c16[ cisis ces cis c cisis ces cis]

there is only 1 SpacingSpanner in the entire score. You can only override it at the start.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

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