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Re: A quest through the docs

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: A quest through the docs
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:54:50 -0800

On 2-Mar-06, at 5:46 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote:

Citerar Graham Percival <address@hidden>:
The only line that might need explanation is the line-width.  These
commands obvious set values; setting a value to #0 is pretty obvious,

This could be an area where extensive use of hyperlinks could be useful (the word line-width is linked to a page containing a description, which says that line-width is measured in staff-spaces, where staff-spaces is linked to a page that introduces the concept of staff-space). I don't know how much work it would require to add such machinery though, and I don't know how useful it
would be either.

I suppose we could do a global search and replace on all "staff-spaces" to replace it with @ref{}s... but we'd have to manually go through and add those terms whenever appropriate. IMO, it's not worth it -- and I'm certainly not interested in doing this myself. I'd still have doubts even if somebody else did all the work and sent in a patch -- too many hyperlinks in the middle of text breaks up the flow, and actually makes it harder to read.

I added some text to "scheme tutorial". I was looking for a place to add it in "Changing defaults -> \override", but I discovered that it was already mentioned.

I'm not throwing out the idea of making this info more prominent in a future doc reorganization, but any such reorg would be two or more months away.

- Graham

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