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Re: Some newbie troubles, especially with text

From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Some newbie troubles, especially with text
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 19:49:49 -0600

From: "Mats Bengtsson" <address@hidden>
To: "Stephen" <address@hidden>
Cc: "Graham Percival" <address@hidden>; "lily-devel" <address@hidden>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Some newbie troubles, especially with text

Quoting Stephen <address@hidden>:
That still works for "Fine" and "D.C. al fine" which must be right-aligned with the barline, but is usually on the topmost stave. Bottom line is we have a system that works for them, considering how flexible it needs to be anyway to cover all cases. The only generalization that we could make would be a version of \mark that right-aligns, allows markup of the last bar of a score, and uses a smaller font size by default (with a slightly smaller padding as well) than \mark uses.

Someone else probably wants a version that left aligns and uses
bold font, not to mention ... Therefore, it's possible for you to make

I am referring to text such as "Fine" which tends to be in regular text right aligned above the last measure to be played. This is standard practice, just as the dynamic marks are in extra bold italic rather than regular font. The default font size for \markup is 1, but for \mark, it is 2. It is a good default for rehearsal marks, but not for "D.S. al fine". I am using my experience as a piano player as a guide. Lilypond is meant to adhere to standared engraving practices. So I don't think that someone else probably wants a version that left aligns and uses a bold font. This particuliar case comes up often enough in scores to get its own defaults in Lilypond.

your own favourite command, see Sect, "11.1.3 Extending music syntax" and "11.1.6 Using LilyPond syntax inside Scheme" in the manual if you want a command that
takes a text argument. Or even simpler, add a definition like
the following in a file

DS = {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
\mark \markup{\smaller "D.S. al Fine" }

Then, you can \include it wherever in whatever .ly file you have
and use it like c1 \DS \bar "|."

I am thinking more along the lines of:

\bar "|." \markfine "D.S. al fine"

So it would work exactly like \mark, but with different defaults. The need to change the font defaults of \mark is disguised by using "\mark \markup", because the font will probably use the \markup font defaults. \mark "D.S. al fine" uses font-size = 2.



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