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Re-write of documentation tree build process

From: John Mandereau
Subject: Re-write of documentation tree build process
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 23:09:11 +0100

Hello all,

Here's a (long-awaited) patch against the stable/2.10 branch.

'make web' can now generate two documentation trees in

- one in online-root/, where .png and .html extensions are stripped in
HTML files, for hosting on a web site with content negociation.

- the other in /offline-root, for browsing the docs on a hard disk.

Only one of these trees or both can be generated, depending on the

make FINAL_TARGETS=offline web  # same as 'make web'
make FINAL_TARGETS=online web

only builds one tree, and

make FINAL_TARGETS="offline online" web

builds both.

If this can be applied and a possible link to the French tutorial in is added, Jan and Han-Wen may want to release 2.10.3 or
2.10.2-2, as the current docball is broken because of .html stripping
(maybe the 2.11 docball is broken too).

John Mandereau <address@hidden>
diff --git a/ b/
index 7f3dee5..37c47e4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ doc: 
        -$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(webdir)
-       cp -a $(outdir)/web-root/ $(DESTDIR)$(webdir)/
+       cp -a $(outdir)/offline-root/ $(DESTDIR)$(webdir)/
        $(MAKE) -C Documentation/user local-install-WWW
        $(MAKE) -C Documentation/user install-info
@@ -73,11 +73,12 @@ local-install:
-web-ext = html midi pdf png txt ly signature
+common-web-ext = midi|pdf|png|txt|ly|signature
-# For docball, issue `make web CONTENT_NEGOTIATION='
-CONTENT_NEGOTIATION = --content-negotiation
-footify = $(PYTHON) $(step-bindir)/ --name $(PACKAGE_NAME) 
+# For online docs with content negotiation, issue `make web 
+# For both online and offline docs, issue `make web FINAL_TARGETS="offline 
+FINAL_TARGETS = offline
+footify = $(PYTHON) $(step-bindir)/ --name $(PACKAGE_NAME) 
--version $(TOPLEVEL_VERSION) --targets "$(foreach i, $(FINAL_TARGETS), 
$(i)-root:$(i) )"
 footifymail = 
@@ -86,33 +87,14 @@ local-WWW-post:
 # need UTF8 setting in case this is hosted on a website. 
        echo -e 'AddDefaultCharset utf-8\nAddCharset utf-8 .html\nAddCharset 
utf-8 .en\nAddCharset utf-8 .nl\nAddCharset utf-8 .txt\n' > 
        $(PYTHON) $(buildscript-dir)/ -o 
$(outdir)/examples.html input/
+       $(foreach i, $(FINAL_TARGETS), rm -rf $(outdir)/$(i)-root &&) true
+       $(PYTHON) $(step-bindir)/ --input-root 
Documentation,input --lose-dir out-www --process-dir out-www --common-files 
'.*[.](?:$(common-web-ext)$$)' --specific-files '.*[.]html$$' --exclude-dir 
'(fr|po|out)(/|$$)' --exclude-files 'lily-[0-9].*.pdf' --dump-sfl 
$(outdir)/html-list --target-pattern $(outdir)/%s-root $(FINAL_TARGETS)
        echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" 
content="0;URL=Documentation/index.html">' > $(outdir)/index.html
        echo '<html><body>Redirecting to the documentation 
index...</body></html>' >> $(outdir)/index.html
-       cd $(top-build-dir) && $(FIND) . -name '*.html' -print | $(footifymail) 
xargs $(footify)
-       cd $(top-build-dir) && find Documentation input \
-               $(web-ext:%=-path '*/out-www/*.%' -or) -type l \
-               | grep -v 'lily-[0-9a-f]*.*pdf' \
-               | grep -v '/fr/' \
-               > $(outdir)/weblist
-       ls $(outdir)/*.html >> $(outdir)/weblist
-## urg: this is too hairy, should write a python script to do this.
-## rewrite file names so we lose out-www
-       rm -rf $(outdir)/web-root/ 
-       mkdir $(outdir)/web-root/
-## urg slow.
-       cat $(outdir)/weblist | (cd $(top-build-dir); tar -cf-  -T- ) | \
-               tar -C $(outdir)/web-root/ -xf -  
-       for dir in $(outdir)/web-root/ ; do  \
-               cd $$dir && \
-               for a in `find . -name out-www`; do \
-                       rsync -a  --link-dest $$a/ $$a/ $$a/.. ; \
-                       rm -rf $$a ; \
-               done \
-       done
+       cd $(outdir) && ls --format=single-column *.html >> html-list
+       $(foreach i, $(FINAL_TARGETS), echo $(TOPLEVEL_VERSION) > 
$(outdir)/$(i)-root/VERSION && \
+       cp $(outdir)/*.html $(outdir)/$(i)-root/ &&) true
+       cd $(outdir) && cat html-list | $(footifymail) xargs $(footify)
 tree-prefix = $(outdir)
 tree-bin = $(tree-prefix)/bin
diff --git a/stepmake/bin/ b/stepmake/bin/
index 08ff5ff..9a28237 100644
--- a/stepmake/bin/
+++ b/stepmake/bin/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import getopt
-content_negotiation = False
+targets = []
 package_name = ''
 package_version = ''
@@ -69,7 +69,10 @@ Add header, footer and top of ChangLog f
  --changelog=FILE          use FILE as ChangeLog [ChangeLog]
- --content-negotiation     strip .html and .png from urls
+ --targets=TARGETS         set targets
+        TARGETS is a space-separated list of PATH:TYPE
+        where PATH is the path prefix of HTML-FILE
+              TYPE is one of online, offline
  --footer=FILE             use FILE as footer
  --header=FILE             use FILE as header
  -h, --help                print this help
@@ -82,15 +85,15 @@ Options:
 (options, files) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', [
     'changelog=', 'footer=', 'header=', 'help', 'index=',
-    'name=', 'content-negotiation', 'version=']) 
+    'name=', 'targets=', 'version=']) 
 for opt in options:
     o = opt[0]
     a = opt[1]
     if o == '--changelog':
         changelog_file = a
-    elif o == '--content-negotiation':
-        content_negotiation = True
+    elif o == '--targets':
+        targets = filter (lambda l: l != [''], map (lambda s: re.split (':', 
s), re.split (' ', a)))
     elif o == '--footer':
         footer_file = a
     elif o == '--header':
@@ -107,6 +110,47 @@ for opt in options:
         raise 'unknown opt ', o
+if targets == []:
+    targets = ['', 'offline']
+def lang_file_name (p, langext, ext):
+    if langext != '':
+        return p + '.' + langext + ext
+    return p + ext
+class language_def:
+    def __init__ (self, code, name, webext=None):
+        self.code = code
+ = name
+        if webext == None:
+            self.webext = self.code
+        else:
+            self.webext = webext
+    def file_name (self, prefix, ext):
+        return lang_file_name (prefix, self.webext, ext)
+C = 'site'
+    C: language_def ('en', 'English', ''),
+#   'nl': lang ('nl', 'Nederlands'),
+    'fr': language_def ('fr', 'French')
+    }
+# build dictionnary of available translations of each page
+html_re = re.compile ('(.*?)(?:[.]([^/.]*))?.html')
+pages_dict = {}
+for f in files:
+    m = html_re.match (f)
+    if m:
+        g = m.groups()
+        if len (g) <= 1 or g[1] == None:
+            e = ''
+        else:
+            e = g[1]
+        if not g[0] in pages_dict.keys():
+            pages_dict[g[0]] = [e]
+        else:
+            pages_dict[g[0]].append (e)
 def compose (default, file):
     s = default
@@ -171,11 +215,14 @@ def remove_self_ref (s):        
         m = (s)
     return s
-def do_file (f):
-    s = open (f).read()
+def do_file (prefix, lang_ext):
+    f = lang_file_name (prefix, lang_ext, '.html')
+    in_f = open (os.path.join (targets[0][0], f))
+    s =
+    in_f.close()
     s = re.sub ('%', '%%', s)
     if (header_tag, s) == None:
         s = re.sub ('(?i)<body>', body, s)
@@ -200,8 +247,13 @@ def do_file (f):
             s = s + footer_tag + footer + '\n'
-        s = i18n (f, s)
+        page_flavors = i18n (prefix, lang_ext, s, targets)
+    else: # urg, all flavors have to be made
+        page_flavors = {}
+        for t in targets:
+            for e in map (lambda l: LANGUAGES[l].webext, LANGUAGES.keys()):
+                if not e in pages_dict[prefix]:
+                    page_flavors[os.path.join (t[0], lang_file_name (prefix, 
e, '.html'))] = s
     index = index_url
     top = top_url
@@ -217,7 +269,7 @@ def do_file (f):
     versiontup = string.split(package_version, '.')
     branch_str = 'stable-branch'
-    if string.atoi ( versiontup[1]) %  2:
+    if int ( versiontup[1]) %  2:
         branch_str = 'development-branch'
     wiki_page = ('v%s.%s-' % (versiontup[0], versiontup[1]) +  f)
@@ -236,27 +288,28 @@ def do_file (f):
     subst = globals ()
     subst.update (locals())
-    s = s % subst
+    for k in page_flavors.keys():
+        page_flavors[k] = page_flavors[k] % subst
     # urg
     # maybe find first node?
     fallback_web_title = '-- --'
     # ugh, python2.[12] re is broken.
     #m = re.match ('.*?<title>\(.*?\)</title>', s, re.DOTALL)
     m = re.match ('[.\n]*?<title>([.\n]*?)</title>', s)
     if m:
         fallback_web_title = (1)
-    s = re.sub ('@WEB-TITLE@', fallback_web_title, s)
-    s = remove_self_ref (s)
-    # remove info's annoying's indication of referencing external document
-    s = re.sub (' \((lilypond|lilypond-internals|music-glossary)\)</a>',
-          '</a>', s)
-    open (f, 'w').write (s)
+    for k in page_flavors.keys():
+        page_flavors[k] = re.sub ('@WEB-TITLE@', fallback_web_title, 
+        page_flavors[k] = remove_self_ref (page_flavors[k])
+        # remove info's annoying's indication of referencing external document
+        page_flavors[k] = re.sub (' 
+                                  '</a>', page_flavors[k])
+        out_f = open (k, 'w')
+        out_f.write (page_flavors[k])
+        out_f.close()
 localedir = 'out/locale'
@@ -270,13 +323,6 @@ except:
         return s
 underscore = _
-C = 'site'
-    (C, 'English'),
-    ('nl', 'Nederlands'),
-    ('fr', 'French')
-    )
 language_available = _ ("Other languages: %s.") % "%(language_menu)s"
 browser_language = _ ("Using <A HREF='%s'>automatic language selection</A>.") \
            % "%(root_url)sabout/browser-language"
@@ -289,59 +335,69 @@ LANGUAGES_TEMPLATE = '''\
 ''' % vars ()
-def file_lang (file, lang):
-    (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (file)
-    base = os.path.splitext (base)[0]
-    if lang and lang != C:
-        return base + '.' + lang + ext
-    return base + ext
-def i18n (file_name, page):
+def i18n (prefix, lang_ext, page, targets):
     # ugh
     root_url = "/web/"
+    file_name = lang_file_name (prefix, lang_ext, '.html')
     base_name = os.path.basename (file_name)
-    lang = C
-    m = re.match ('.*[.]([^/.]*).html', file_name)
-    if m:
-        lang = (1)
     # Find available translations of this page.
-    available = filter (lambda x: lang != x[0] \
-              and os.path.exists (file_lang (file_name, x[0])),
-              LANGUAGES)
-    # Strip .html, .png suffix for auto language selection (content
-    # negotiation).  The menu must keep the full extension, so do
-    # this before adding the menu.
-    if content_negotiation:
-        page = re.sub 
-                       '\\1="\\2\\4"', page)
+    available = []
+    missing = []
+    for l in LANGUAGES.keys():
+        e = LANGUAGES[l].webext
+        if lang_ext != e:
+            if e in pages_dict[prefix]:
+                available.append (LANGUAGES[l])
+            elif lang_ext == '': # write English version of missing translated 
+                missing.append (e)
+    page_flavors = {}
+    for t in targets:
+        if t[1] == 'online':
+            # Strip .html, .png suffix for auto language selection (content
+            # negotiation).  The menu must keep the full extension, so do
+            # this before adding the menu.
+            page_flavors[os.path.join (t[0], file_name)] = re.sub (
+                '\\1="\\2\\4"', page)
+        elif t[1] == 'offline':
+            if lang_ext == '':
+                page_flavors[os.path.join (t[0], file_name)] = page
+                for e in missing:
+                    page_flavors[os.path.join (t[0], lang_file_name (prefix, 
e, '.html'))] = re.sub (
+                        'href="\\1.' + e + '\\2\\3"', page)
+            else:
+                page_flavors[os.path.join (t[0], file_name)] = re.sub (
+                    '''href=[\'"]([^/][.]*[^.:\'"]*)(.html)(#[^"\']*|)[\'"]''',
+                    'href="\\1.' + lang_ext + '\\2\\3"', page)
     # Add menu after stripping: must not have autoselection for language menu.
     language_menu = ''
-    for (prefix, name) in available:
-        lang_file = file_lang (base_name, prefix)
+    for lang in available:
+        lang_file = lang.file_name (os.path.basename (prefix), '.html')
         if language_menu != '':
             language_menu += ', '
-        language_menu += '<a href="%(lang_file)s">%(name)s</a>' % vars ()
+        language_menu += '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (lang_file,
     languages = ''
     if language_menu:
         languages = LANGUAGES_TEMPLATE % vars ()
     # Put language menu before '</body>' and '</html>' tags
-    if ('(?i)</body', page):
-        page = re.sub ('(?i)</body>', languages + '</BODY>', page, 1)
-    elif ('(?i)</html', page):                
-        page = re.sub ('(?i)</html>', languages + '</HTML>', page, 1)
-    else:
-        page = page + languages
-    return page
+    for k in page_flavors.keys():
+        if ('(?i)</body', page_flavors[k]):
+            page_flavors[k] = re.sub ('(?i)</body>', languages + '</BODY>', 
page_flavors[k], 1)
+        elif ('(?i)</html', page_flavors[k]):                
+            page_flavors[k] = re.sub ('(?i)</html>', languages + '</HTML>', 
page_flavors[k], 1)
+        else:
+            page_flavors[k] += languages
-for f in files:
-    do_file (f)
+    return page_flavors
+for page in pages_dict.keys():
+    for e in pages_dict[page]:
+        do_file (page, e)
diff --git a/stepmake/bin/ b/stepmake/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0ef64e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stepmake/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Build trees for different targets
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+import getopt
+def help ():
+    sys.stdout.write (r"""Usage: build-trees [OPTIONS]... TARGETS
+Build trees for different targets by hardlinking input trees.
+ --input-root=DIR          use DIR as input tree root (default is current 
+                             multiple roots may be specified with a comma 
+ --target-pattern=STRING   use STRING as target root directory name pattern
+ --lose-dir=PATTERN        lose directories whose name matches PATTERN in 
+                             (write its content to parent)
+ --process-dir=PATTERN     only process files in directories whose name 
matches PATTERN
+ --common-files=PATTERN    filters files commmon to all trees
+                             (they are hardlinked instead of being copied).
+ --specific-files=PATTERN  filters files specific to different trees
+                             (regular files are only hardlinked to first 
+ --exclude-dir=PATTERN     don't recurse into directories whose name matches 
+ --exclude-files=PATTERN   exclude files whose name matches PATTERN
+ --dump-sfl=FILE           dump specific files list to FILE
+ -h, --help                print this help
+PATTERN should be a Python regular expression.
+Common and specific files which are symlinks are always copied to all targets.
+    sys.exit (0)
+(options, targets) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', [
+    'input-root=', 'lose-dir=', 'common-files=', 'help', 'specific-files=',
+    'exclude-dir=', 'exclude-files=', 'dump-sfl=', 'process-dir=', 
+input_roots = []
+target_pattern = ''
+common_f = '.*'
+specific_f = '.*'
+excluded_d = ''
+excluded_f = ''
+process_d = '.*'
+lost_d_names = ''
+sfl_dump = ''
+#file_list_re = re.compile (r'(?:^| )(?:[^ ]*|".*?")(?: |$)')
+for opt in options:
+    o = opt[0]
+    a = opt[1]
+    if o == '--input-root':
+        input_roots = re.split (',', a)
+    elif o == '--lose-dir':
+        lost_d_names = a
+    elif o == '--common-files':
+        common_f = a
+    elif o == '--specific-files':
+        specific_f = a
+    elif o == '-h' or o == '--help':
+        help ()
+    elif o == '--exclude-dir':
+        excluded_d = a
+    elif o == '--exclude-files':
+        excluded_f = a
+    elif o == '--process-dir':
+        process_d = a
+    elif o == '--target-pattern':
+        target_pattern = a
+    elif o == '--dump-sfl':
+        sfl_dump = a
+    else:
+        raise 'unknown opt ', o
+if input_roots == []:
+    input_roots =  ['.']
+for s in ['common_f', 'specific_f', 'excluded_d',
+          'excluded_f', 'process_d', 'lost_d_names']:
+    exec s + '_re = re.compile (' + s + ')'
+strip_lost_d_names_re = re.compile ('/(?:' + lost_d_names + ')')
+slash_re = re.compile ('/')
+if '%s' in target_pattern:
+    target_dirs = map (lambda s: target_pattern % s, targets)
+    target_dirs = map (lambda s: target_pattern + s, targets)
+for dir in target_dirs:
+    os.mkdir (dir)
+path_strip = lambda bigpath, root: bigpath[:len (root)]
+def new_link_path (link, dir, r):
+    l = slash_re.split (link)
+    d = slash_re.split (dir)
+    i = 0
+    while l[i] == '..':
+        if r.match (d[i]):
+            del l[i]
+        else:
+            i += 1
+    return reduce (lambda s1, s2: s1 + '/' + s2,
+                   filter (lambda x: not r.match (x), l))
+if sfl_dump:
+    sfl = open (sfl_dump, 'w')
+for d in input_roots:
+    for in_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(d):
+        i = 0
+        while i < len(dirs):
+            if (dirs[i]):
+                del dirs[i]
+            else:
+                i += 1
+        out_dir = strip_lost_d_names_re.sub ('', in_dir)
+        if not lost_d_names_re.match (os.path.basename (in_dir)):
+            for t in target_dirs:
+                os.mkdir (os.path.join (t, out_dir))
+        if not (in_dir):
+            continue
+        for f in filter (lambda s: not excluded_f_re.match (s), files):
+            in_f = os.path.join (in_dir, f)
+            if os.path.islink (in_f): # all symlinks are assumed to be 
relative and to point to files in the input trees
+                link_path = new_link_path (os.readlink (in_f), in_dir, 
+                for t in target_dirs:
+                    os.symlink (link_path, os.path.join (t, out_dir, f))
+            elif specific_f_re.match (f):
+       (in_f, os.path.join (target_dirs[0], out_dir, f)) # 
only hardlink specific file in first target
+                if sfl_dump:
+                    sfl.write (os.path.join (out_dir, f) + '\n')
+            elif common_f_re.match (f):
+                for t in target_dirs:
+           (in_f, os.path.join (t, out_dir, f))
+if sfl_dump:
+    sfl.close()

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