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[Fwd: German translation help file]

From: Till Rettig
Subject: [Fwd: German translation help file]
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2007 18:54:58 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061115)

This is now about the help file that I wrote (more or less for myself) to make the translation process and work with git a bit clearer. It kind of combines what was there about using git on this list the last weeks, some hints from the wiki and reference to the README file. Han-Wen thought this should better be in english to be and that is sure true -- how do you feel about this idea? Should I translate the file to english so you could look how to merge it with the existing one? My idea about it was actually just to make some really straightforward chain of commands to issue in a row so in the end you would get clean apllyable patches.


Till Rettig escreveu:

because it caused me some difficulties to understand how the git
conventions for commting patches worked I wrote a small helper file so
far called in the web/ directory. Could somebody check it,
proof read it and maybe also change something if I made mistakes? I add
it in the patch form and another time the file itself so it is more easy
to read.

Can you coordinate with John M? I think it's better if this were in English
and put in the main README. Translators will be able to read ENglish anyway,
and it's the same for all languages.

git format-patch <committish>^

if it was the last change you made,

 git format-patch HEAD^

is a bit shorter and easier to use.

wobei committish wiederum die Nummer ist, die man vorher herausgefunden hat.
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Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
-- Code for Music Notation

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