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Re: sponsorship option gone?

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: sponsorship option gone?
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:28:15 -0300

2007/3/22, Arvid Grøtting <address@hidden>:
But I just might come up with a scheme function that takes two (or
more) voices and merges (or centers) the rests that are common.  Do
you think that's feasible?

Good point there:  you'll probably be able to write a callback for
positioning-done which checks whether the rests (ly:grob-object
'rests) have equal 'duration-log and 'dot-count properties, and if yes
force them to overlap, and if no, call the original
calc-positioning-done function.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

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