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Re: Changing fret-diagram muted string symbol

From: José Luis Cruz
Subject: Re: Changing fret-diagram muted string symbol
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 21:20:42 +0100

Can you make any of the fret-diagram properties work by overriding them as 
TextScript properties?

Indeed. And it also works overriding them as LyricText properties when
the diagrams are created as markups inside a lyrictext context (that
is the way I use them for them to have the same relative height.

For example, I like define all the settings I need for all the
diagrams at the beginning:

\override LyricText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.3)
\override LyricText #'finger-code = #'below-string
\override LyricText #'number-type = #'roman-upper
%\override LyricText #'size = #'1.1
\override LyricText #'barre-type = #'straight
%\override LyricText #'align-dir = #'-1
\override LyricText #'thickness = #'1
\override LyricText #'dot-radius = #'0.3
%\override LyricText #'string-count = #'6
%\override LyricText #'fret-count = #'6

I can also have macros for special diagrams:

FretsOnLyricsArpeggioStyle = {
\once \override LyricText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1)
\once \override LyricText #'dot-color = #'white
\once \override LyricText #'finger-code = #'none
\once \override LyricText #'size = #'1.3
\once \override LyricText #'dot-radius = #'0.4
\once \override LyricText #'xo-font-magnification = #'3

so I write \FretsOnLyricsArpeggioStyle before a diagram I and only the
next it's changed.  The lyrics thing could be something like this:

Diagramas = \lyricmode {
  % include the head overrides here %

   \markup \fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;2-1;3-2;3-3;3-4;"
   \markup \fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;5-1-(;7-3;5-1-);6-2;"
   \markup \fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;8-1;9-3;8-2;10-4;"
   \markup \fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;12-2;12-3;11-1;12-4;"

   \markup {\fret-diagram-terse #'"x;x;2-1 5-4;3-2;3-2;x;"}


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