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Beethoven (Re: GPD: official shortest note in lilypond)

From: Paco Vila
Subject: Beethoven (Re: GPD: official shortest note in lilypond)
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 22:17:22 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.15+20070412 (2007-04-11)

El Tue, 06 de Nov de 2007, a las 11:51:47AM -0800, Graham Percival dijo:
> Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
>> I simply don't see any compelling technical reason to not allow durations 
>> shorter than 64th (except for notation style, but then lilypond should 
>> disallow beamed notes, too).

If anybody has an edition of Beethoven's Sonata nº8 Op.13 Pathétique for piano, 
on measure 10 of the first movement (grave) there are some very, 
very short notes, guess what are they? 128th notes.


the input itself is:

\times 8/7{[a128 af g fs f e ef]}
   [d( df c b bf a af g fs f e ef d df c )b] [af'16.^\fermata b,32]

> OTOH, I don't see any compelling musical reason to allow durations shorter 
> than 64.  :)
> GDP docs currently only discuss durations up to 64.  If higher numbers 
> work, for both beamed and unbeamed notes, we could modify the docs 
> accordingly.  But I suggest that this is a very low-priority issue.

Francisco Vila Doncel. Badajoz (Spain)

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