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Re: Using texi2html for the documentation

From: John Mandereau
Subject: Re: Using texi2html for the documentation
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 13:54:52 +0200

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> This would only work within the same document (where it already works out of 
> the box anyway). For cross-manual links, there would need to be multiple runs 
> and this data would need to be written out to a temp file after each manual 
> is converted to HTML. Each manual would then need to read in all other such 
> temp files and heavily customize the way cross-refernces are generated.

Perhaps it's convenient to make translated docs compilation depend on a
toplevel make target, which calls a simple script that grabs
(@node,@translationof) pairs (simply using regexps) in all Texinfo
source files and dumps them to a file e.g.
(top-build-dir)/out/node-translations.LANG.db; then this file could be
loaded by texi2html for use in cross-references formatting routines.  I
could write such a script in Python, but maybe it's more benefitial to
other texi2html users that you write it in Perl so it can be integrated
into Texi2html distribution (or does Texi2html already use Python

This kind of solution is complicated, but I see no other way; I has
already done something similar for the current system, i.e. collecting
all node names into a PO file.

Btw. if it helps you testing translated docs with all texi2html features
using @translationof, I can convert all translated docs to use
@translationof next week-end in dev/texi2html -- this job can be easily
automated with a slightly modified version of

> The needs to be adjusted to texi2html anyway (e.g. the 
> footer can be automatically added directly by texi2html, the <body> tag gets 
> some arguments automatically so that the splitting at </?body> no longer 
> works, etc.).

OK, add_html_footer will add the footer for the few non-Texinfo HTML
pages anyway, so it's simpler to keep the footer generation there.  If
you think texi2html output is stable enough, I can start adjusting
add_html_footer this week-end (or a bit later) too.


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