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Re: [PATCH] Re: where to put useful lists in the docs?

From: Nicolas Sceaux
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Re: where to put useful lists in the docs?
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 11:31:47 +0200

Le 30 mai 09 à 10:20, Mark Polesky a écrit :

Here's another useful set of procedures that is not in
lily-library.scm. These functions make quick work of calculating
offsets, extents, bounding-boxes, etc.

Here's a new patch that also incorporates conditionals.

;; defines 14 functions:
;; pair_+    pair_-     pair_*     pair_/
;; pair_=    pair_<     pair_>     pair_<=    pair_>=
;; pair_gcd  pair_lcm   pair_min   pair_max   pair_average.
;; eg. (pair_+ '(1 . 1) '(2 . 3) '(5 . 8)) ==> (8 . 12)
;;     (pair_<= '(1 . 8) '(1 . 5) '(2 . 3)) ==> (#t . #f)
;;     (pair_min '(1 . 8) '(1 . 5) '(2 . 3)) ==> (1 . 3)
(map primitive-eval
 (lambda (f)
     (,(symbol-append 'pair_ f) . pairs)
     (apply (lambda (f . pairs)
              ((lambda (lst) (cons (car lst) (cadr lst)))
                (append `(map ,f)
                         (map (lambda (x) `(list ,(car x) ,(cdr x)))
            ,f pairs)))
'(+ - * / = < > <= >= gcd lcm min max average)))

This is not the way to do it in guile scheme. When you find yourself
using primitive-eval, ask yourself if there is not a better way.
To write code that writes codes, use macros: read about defmacro.
Also note that you usually don't use underscores in function names.

But in that particular case, why not define a function that takes
a function and a list of pairs? It's usual to have procedure arguments:

(define (map-on-pairs fn pairs)
  (cons (apply fn (map car pairs))
        (apply fn (map cdr pairs))))

(map-on-pairs + '((1 . 1) (2 . 3) (5 . 8))) => (8 . 12)
(map-on-pairs min '((1 . 8) (1 . 5) (2 . 3))) ==> (1 . 3)


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