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Re: Tablature: proper support for tie/slur- and tie/glissando-constellat

From: Marc Hohl
Subject: Re: Tablature: proper support for tie/slur- and tie/glissando-constellations (issue2191042)
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:06:10 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100317)

address@hidden schrieb:
On 2010/09/17 07:01:40, marc wrote:

TO be honest, I don't understand what you mean here.


#(ly:set-option 'check-internal-types)

to your snippet below.

Two of the bounds aren't TabNoteHeads; these are the left bounds of the
ties following a break.

Ah, ok, now I see. Thanks!
> Try running `make check' to see what I mean. ;)
Here neither - I see I made a mistake, because `make check' fails, but

the output doesn't help a lot.

Is this *before* or *after* you changed the version number in the

Any regtest with a version number later than the current version will
break `make check'.
Um, I don't know, probably before. But even if I do 'make check' now, I got

/home/marc/git/lilypond/scripts/build/out/output-distance --create-images --output-dir /home/marc/git/lilypond/out/test-results input/regression/out-test-baseline input/regression/out-test/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/marc/git/lilypond/scripts/build/out/output-distance", line 1261, in <module>
File "/home/marc/git/lilypond/scripts/build/out/output-distance", line 1258, in main
   compare_trees (args[0], args[1], name, options.threshold)
File "/home/marc/git/lilypond/scripts/build/out/output-distance", line 969, in compare_trees
   data.compare_trees (dir1, dir2)
File "/home/marc/git/lilypond/scripts/build/out/output-distance", line 812, in compare_trees
   (root, dirs, files) = os.walk (dir1).next ()
make: *** [local-check] Fehler 1

I don't know whether this is due to my erroneous file, but it is not very helpful to me...

I think the only sane method would be to use a scheme engraver, since
you could acknowledge interesting grobs and make typesetting decisions
for the TabNoteHead based on the grobs present at a particular timestep.
D'oh - I failed already once trying my luck with engravers, but I'll give it a try. Could you please sketch the functionality a bit in more detail? Do I still need the 'tied-to' bit, or is the engraver responsible for the full appearance of the
tab note head?


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